Saturday, February 26, 2005 3:45 PM
Im Cursed!!!!
Today was my most unluckiest day. I was being cursed to slip and fall. I slipped about 3 times and fell down once. My legs were like as if made of rubber that made me slip all the time. It began like this....
I was going back home after my tuition assignment at Chinese garden where i teach these 2 indians boys at a condo. I was soooo exhausted. I was travelling in the bus back home . Trying myself to stay awake to avoid from missing my stop. After alighting from the bus, I walked my way to the letter box to check for mails. There were alot of flyers thrown everywhere around the letter box area. Pretending as if the flyers were transparent, I walked my way to my letter box to open it. Thud!!!!! That's it. I slip but din't fell. Phew! I saved myself . I looked around to see if anybody saw my clumsy act..fortunately, nobody saw. I was relieved.
The second time was when I stepped into the bathroom to wash my feet to prevent bacteria from entering my dettol cleaned house. That was then I realli slipped and fell. Ohmigod!!! My jeans was dripping wet. I was like some heroine boasting that nothing could come in my last I was the such a blind cow. The floor was so wet and without realising that, I slipped and fell. It was such a loud one that my mum n dad darted across to figure out what had happened. Before they could see me in that stupid position, I quickly stood up and lied to them that it was just a pail that got knocked down by my hand. You know how pain and embarrassing it was...My butt realli hurt alot!!! OOh butt.....
Finally the last and i hope the last fall was when I was frying the instant curry puffs for tea break. The floor got a little bit oily but then i din expect to slip. Phew! I din fell that's the most important thing. I dun want to fall again. OH God! Can't the day just end soon. I dun want to fall again. OK then.. Time to take my dinner. Take care guyss....!!!
OooooPs........Not again :-O