Monday, July 25, 2005 2:07 PM
Just came back home from my students' place after giving tuition. Today was a Sunday and I was feeling sooo bored that I felt like as if I would die any moment due to boredom.
Around in the afternoon about two,we, as in me and my sister decided to chill at my cousin dearest, badz place.We had a great time there. Downloading english hits while we were listening at the same time. I was like repeatedly hitting and skipping every song to actually note down the good songs so that I could come back home and download them. Much as did I even realise that I was actually being an annoyance to them.(hehe..sorry badz and rahimz).
Other than that we were chit chatting about lots of stuff and chuckling away. Later then, we proceeded to the living area to catch some movie. In the end, the movie was a killer to us. It was a very old movie which I guess I was not even produced at that time. So as to kill time till seven, we had no choice and watched that freaking old movie and having cakes for tea break.
When the clock struck seven, every single one of us got seated and waited impatiently to catch the live broadcast of VASANTHAM STAR. This show involves singing and performing whereby there would be these 3 judges whom, they would select the best singer with good voice, performance and personality as an Indian Idol to represent for the vasantham central channel. Well, you guys should have guessed correctly what is the show all about. Some show similar to Singapore idol.
From the beginning till now, everyone of us are watching it, not missing any episode of this as this show is totally crazee and hilarious wich can even make your stomach roll over. The jokers who made a fool out of themselves, people who can sing, people,who can't even sing and people who can even think that they were looking for a vasantham fashion model.
(I will never forget that guy.)
Today was the quarter finals in which they would choose 5 out of 10 talents. Simultaneously, the next episode they would show another 10 talents from the 40 young talents who were chosen.
This show is really a relief stress. It helps me to get rid of my stress and also helps me to even build a strong bonding with my cousins. Well, I just can't wait for the finals to come soon.
Maybe I would even go and try out the audition next year for the vasantham star. I'm just very excited. When I saw the people who actually went it and those who were not selected I felt that I am not bad after all. I got a sweet voice, hehe..and I can sing very well and perform better than some of them who got selected.
Ooops, sorry, was so engrossed into the show that I totally forgot how the show was. Well, fortunately the guy whom we expecting to be selected for the semi-finals got through in. So we felt glad. We had a great time for the past one and a half hour. Later then, I had to leave early as I had to rush for my tuition near my area.
Guess, I shall stop now, haven't packed my bag and iron my uniform.
*To my fellow cuzzies and sister : I would like to say that I love you cuzzie badrun, hamid and my sister rahimah. We indeed had a blast !!*
*chilling in the living area with my cuzzie and sister*