Tuesday, August 30, 2005 2:45 PM
Guess whaaaaaaaaat????? I have been selected to be the emcee for the upcoming teachers' day concert on Wednesday. I'm like sooo stressed up and nervous a little bit. *I don't have stage fright because I have appeared on stage a couple of times and did emceeing*
Teachers' day concert will be held on Wednesday in my school hall and I got no knowledge on what to talk about. I don't have the emcee script and I'm like not even prepared for anything.
Everything seems to be in a rush. I really hate last minute preparation.
Oh come on, its Monday already and I got only one day to prepare evrything. Tomorrow is the rehearsal and I'm so tight up. Gosh, isn't that cruel?? *giving a forlorn look*
I got no idea on what am I suppose to talk about. Only thing I'm comfortable with is my dressing coz' the head of student council said that I could dress casually for the concert.*Capering and applausing yay* So one burden is gone.
But the only thing I'm very frustrated about is my partner whom I will be hosting the show with.
**Skip this if you can't stand vulgars***
Haresh, you are such an ASSHOLE. How could you simply chunk everything on me and just don't bother about anything? YOU knuckle-headed numbskull, if I had known that you were just dreaming away when the Emcee head was discussing with us about the programmes that were coming up for the show, I would have shoot you right at your forehead and blew you off man. Maybe that would have totally brought you to this world back from what you were actually dreaming about. Are you a gentleman?? You FARKER. Chucking everything on my head is not nice at all. If I had taken the same step like you did, there wouldn't have been any difference between you and me. I'm more of a responsible person. You get it! Freak off from my sight man! I'm going to make you talk the most in the show and bully you until you can never forget the best teachers' day celebration you ever had! This is the TRUTH and I mean it!!
*Shooting a pure scorn*
Well, I'm really sorry to have used those words on him but I got no choice but to rather vent my anger. More or less this is the only thing I can do.
Even though I was really lost in preparing the script I managed to finish up everything by tonight. All thanks to my beloved cuzzie badz. I would have burst out into tears if she hadn't been there. She came to my aid and rescued me.
We prepared the script together.
Went over to her house to hang out with her as its been long since we ever met.
Badz was totally stressed and annoyed cos' she was really lost on which website to go and download tamil songs. Hahaha...when I come to think of her computer's speed Oops nono, I should say the website speed was so slow that it would have taken us 5 years to open a page. **rolling all over the bed and laughing like one mad dog*
Finally, I came up with this. I asserted that the fastest and most convenient way to find songs and download them is only by using MIRC. That's the most legal way I know. We downloaded the program and I taught her on how to find the songs and download them. It was quite fun actually. She managed to catch it and started searching for songs like one crazee maniac. She must be totally obsessed with the program now I guess. By now, I guess she would have downloaded about 50 tamil songs. Because she was going like *TadtadtadtadtaD* with the keyboard.
Anyway, we had a great day indeed. We dined together and after that badz sent me off back home.
PS: Thanks for helping me out with the script badz. If the concert was to turn out well, the credits would definitely goes to you. I love you alot. Mmmmuacks! I owe you one.