Saturday, October 08, 2005 1:45 PM
It's Friday today. Last day of school week. I was soo exhausted. After my school ended, there was a CCA meeting regarding the stupid dover show the year 1s are producing without the knowledge of the year 2s. They got good spam from the year 2s and I was like enjoying the scene. In fact, they really deserved this. The year 2s are like the backbones for the year 1s but this bunch of people, just neglected the year 2s and went ahead on producing the show with just 5 -6 people. I don't think the show would run well in a 6 men show.
After the meeting ended, I had to meet BADZ again, because she wanted to get a gift for noorul her younger sister a birthday gift. Her birthday was like on 11 of Oct. So after my school ended, I came back home, took a rest for a while, took my shower and met her at the boon lay interchange. Badz was intending to get a pencil case for noorul on her birthday because noorul doesn't have one. She did had one but it had become dirty and worn out. She wanted Badz to get for her a pencil case too.
We went to 37 degrees and got noorul a purple pencil case after that I pestered badz to come over to my house to break fast since nobody cooked anything at her place. Everyone were working in her house. Badz came over to my house for break fast and we ate NASI AYAM, chicken rice if translated in english.
There was nobody in my house except for my sisters and banu's friend khams.
We had totally extreme fun today. We replayed VASANTHAM STAR again
(hahaha...we are some incorrigible freaks). Badz was glued to the TV when Faizal was singing. She simply loves him. She can't go one day without talking about Faizal. She even imagined herself being a pair with Faizal.
And me, on the other hand, cheering for Shabir.
( Me and Badz are some physotic
We kept replaying the part where Faizal and Shabir sang and my sisters got soo annoyed.
After the show ended, we were discusing about some of the forgotten finalists from vasantham star.
Imitating how they sing, teasing each other by match making each one of us the unpopular and non-talented artistes. (There were some ugly and old ones too). We even commented on how fat Shabir's girlfriend was and how not so modern Faizal girlfriend was. (Come on guys, we are girls. Rich for GOSSIPS)
It was sooooo hilarious to the max that I nearly fall onto the floor and roll over.
Ouch, my stomach really hurts. Tears even rolled down my cheeks. So much of fun, so much of laughter.
**Oh, guys, I just love each and everyone to pieces**
I will never forget this day in my life. It was really a great EXCITING day for me.
Each day is an exciting day for me. I feel so happy but at one corner, I'm not. My exams are just 1 week away. Starting on the 17 October. I'm like staying back very late to memorise each chapter.
I really want to pass this semester and lead a happy holidays instead of sitting at one corner and whining about my results.
******I wish myself good luck******